Among the dogs fastest in the world, stand out i greyhounds, always used in the hunting precisely for this feature. The family is characterized by many different species each with its own particularities, but among these the Greyhounds, known as English greyhound.
Lively eyes and a lovable character, it has a distinctive trait, the speed. Compared to other specimens of the breed, the Greyhound manages to reach up to 63 kilometers per hour.
Thanks to these peculiar characteristics, the English greyhound over the centuries it has been used extensively in hunting such as hound. Currently the Greyhound has abandoned woods and open fields to devote himself tosport activity. In fact, it is mostly used in dog tracks or in the racing races.
The origins of the breed are very ancient and not always clear. For some the origins derive from Celts who had imported them about 5 centuries BC from North Africa, from the area of Sloughi or Saluki.
For others the breed dates back toAncient Egypt. These claim that the Greyhound is the progenitor of the Thesem, a breed much loved by the pharaoh and his subjects, which arrived in England thanks to the Phoenician merchants.
Among the theories there is also the one that supports the presence of the English Greyhound in Europe thanks to crusaders back fromNibujon around 1300-1400.
What is certain is that whatever its origin, in a short time it had awide diffusion especially within the European courts who used it during hunting trips. Used for the deer, wild boar and fallow deer hunting he was able to follow his prey even at a distance from his master.
The nobles were fascinated by hers physical characteristics enough to use it also in the Coursing. An activity in vogue in the nineteenth century, but prohibited today, which was halfway between running and hunting. It was bet on which of the two dogs launched in the pursuit of one hare, left free in the open field, it would have taken its prey first.
The elegance in the movements and in the appearance has made the Greyhound the favorite subject of the paintings of the time: despite being a large dog, it is characterized by a toned appearance and a short coat.
La muscular structure and well balanced allow it to be aerodynamic and have a wide stride. There head is small and elongated, it is characterized by lively and intelligent eyes.
The cheerful character of the Greyhound over time has allowed him to become a sweet companion dog that easily becomes attached to the owner with whom he establishes a sort of symbiosis.
Alert and quick, just give him the right stimuli or directions and he will follow the orders to the letter.