It took the fatal accidents, it was necessary for them to decisively invade the big cities and for the farmers, through their associations, to scream asking for hundreds of millions of Euros for the damage suffered by the wild boars. But we already knew all this. Not because we are soothsayers and not even because we have read it in books. We know this simply by the fact that we frequent the woods, the countryside, nature.
Together with all this clamor towards wild boars we have also witnessed the worst of the worst that the anti-huntsmen can offer with the collaboration of the press. With a quote we could say: "we have seen things that you humans cannot even imagine". Park presidents have told the phenomenon in a fairytale way, knowledgeable veterinarians have said that the fault is ours because we break up family groups with hunting, and a plethora of animal rights have declared to the four winds that it was we who created the problem through wild inputs of wild boars.
To all these people I tell them they should just be ashamed of themselves. A mass of ignorant people, at best, and people of bad faith without even a sense of shame.
In short, we are accused of exterminating the poor animals and making them extinct, but when
on the contrary, we are literally invaded by wild animals we are equally accused of not sure what. Please, at least make peace with your brain!
I will not go into technical explanations and I will not talk about the reasons that have allowed wild boars, as well as ungulates in general, to have ever-growing populations. You already know these topics, you have read them, studied them and lived them dozens and dozens of times also through authoritative authors of this magazine.
I will limit myself to saying to our politicians, to those called to make decisions, that the hunters have been, are and will always be at the forefront in the correct management of the territories and represent a very important and free resource for the entire community. Therefore, let us work in peace, with criteria and on a scientific basis, to have territories that are increasingly usable and rich in biodiversity. We are able to save the community
hundreds of millions of euros spent today on indemnities which, among other things, do not satisfy anyone, not even the farmers to whom they are addressed, as they are able to cover only a very small part of the damage suffered. An example for all: the Pollino Park spent more than half of its budget every year to compensate farmers for the damage caused by wild boars. Finally, a group of local self-control hunters has been formed under the supervision of the State Forestry Corps in charge of surveillance. Well, in recent years, the damage caused by wild boars has almost completely disappeared and that money can be used in favor of the populations living in the park and tourists who can visit an enchanting place. All the work has been done and the hunters do it for free and with satisfaction.
Good luck to all!
Federico Cusimano