Hunting and Fauna: Emilia Romagna, the Region sends its own guidelines for the containment of otters to the municipalities.
With the resolution of the Giunta defined the modalities to limit the presence of otters on the regional territory. Nutria (Myocastor coypus) is a medium-sized rodent, imported to Italy in the early 900s, bred for fur, but escaped from farms and then released into the environment. The presence of otters is invasive, threatening both health risks, as potential vectors of pathogens such as Leptospira and Salmonella, and as an essentially herbivorous rodent causing serious damage to agricultural crops. For these reasons, the regional council approved resolution no. 536 of 11 May last "Guidelines for the containment of nutria" addressed to municipalities, single or associated, as this species no longer belongs to wild species but to weeds. The adoption of adequate control plans is at the heart of the provision and these plans will be implemented by the Municipalities in collaboration: with the body responsible for wildlife management, the water management bodies and all the parties involved, for various reasons, in the control of nutrie.
The methods of intervention prohibit the use of poisons and rodenticides as well as any other non-selective method, the capture of otters can be done with cages-traps in all periods of the year and in all the territories affected by their presence. The cages must be checked at least once a day and the subsequent killing of the rodents must take place as quickly as possible.
Direct shooting with a firearm is also foreseen, only by: the police forces, hunters during the exercise of the hunting activity in the territories assigned to them and at the times allowed by the hunting calendar (3rd Sunday of September - January 31), of assistants authorized by the Province and farmers, in possession of a hunting license and only within the perimeter of their farm.
(May 27, 2015)
Emilia Romagna region