Hunting and Fishing. “Become one of us”: the hunting and fishing video contest gets underway.
“BECOME ONE OF US”: THE HUNTING AND FISHING VIDEO CONTEST ENTERS LIVE. The opportunity to participate in the competition and become channel producers ends on November 30th. Now available online also the videos with the technical tips and tricks of the Hunting and Fishing experts
Milan, 18 September 2015 - Enter the highlight "Become one of us"*, the video competition, launched last March by the channels Hunting and Fishing (Sky 235-236), which until 30 November offers fans the opportunity to become protagonists of the channels with their own production.
To facilitate the contest participants, the channels involved producers in the creation of video pills containing advice and guidelines that facilitate the production work of newbies. Easily accessible, short films are available in Youtube playlist of channels: Tv hunting e Fishing Tv and are regularly posted on their respective FB pages.
To participate in the video contest "Become one of us"* just send to the address [email protected] your video lasting five minutes, which tells about your passion, hunting or fishing, with relative release that authorizes its use on the TV and web platforms of the channels - downloadable on (
Videos received by 30 November will be made available within the mini site and can be voted on by the public until January 31st. Subsequently, from 1 to 4 February 2016, the videos will be evaluated by a jury of experts, composed of members of the editorial staff of the channels Hunting and Fishing (Sky 235-236), who will be responsible for the final evaluation of the contents and the identification of the winners to whom, one for the Hunting channel and one for the Fishing channel, a contract will be offered (commercial value of 6 thousand euros) for the supply of a film, lasting one hour each, which will become part of the programming of the two channels.
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