Hunting and Fauna: the census of "wintering" woodcocks was successfully carried out in Macerata.
After the success obtained by the course of the census of woodcocks wintering organized by the Territorial Areas of Hunting MC 1 and MC 2, in collaboration with the Amici di Scolopax Association, has finally started with the practical implementation. In full collaboration with the Commander of the Provincial Police, Alberto Storani, and with the wildlife technicians of the two ATC Felicetti Nicola and Brusaferro Andrea, the censuses were organized in January and in the first days of March in the Restocking and Capture Areas and in the Respected Areas. With great enthusiasm, those who participated in the course scrupulously following the instructions of the two wildlife technicians and using two dogs for each operator, in two days from 8.00 to 12.00 following a specific path, were able to monitor the various areas by reporting on a special plan of all sightings of woodcocks. All this has confirmed what was assumed, but now we can see with the facts: that is the importance of the Restocking and Capture Areas and the Riaspetto Areas for the wintering of woodcocks, as especially in January a good presence of the same in every area. In this regard, ATC MC 2 has allocated contributions for environmental improvements in these areas, aimed at restoring suitable places for stopping and baiting woodcocks.
All the data relating to the sightings made will be processed by the technicians to properly manage the woodcock in the Macerata area. We thank the Provincial Administration of Macerata who immediately believed and supported in this project and in particular the Commander of the Provincial Police Alberto Storani who gave all his availability to then carry out the censuses within the Restocking and Capture Areas and of the Respected Areas of the whole Province.
(April 10, 2015)
Hunting Federation