Hunting: at the National Assembly of ANUU Migrators, for now another important step has been taken for the unity of the Hunting World with the joint commitment of Federcaccia and CPA.
Another important step has been taken for the next, unpostponable, reunification of the hunting world into a single association. A process that currently sees ANUU Migrationists, CPA and the Italian Federation of Hunting engaged, but which remains open to all other hunting associations that want to merge into a new associative subject to represent all hunters more strongly and give Italian hunting greater weight. and authority.
An ambitious goal and a process that was not always easy, which was at the center of the LV National Assembly of the ANUU Migrators, which met in Bergamo on Saturday 23 March with the national leaders, delegates and representatives of the association, to which they were added to bring their contribution the national president CPA Alessandro Fiumani and the national president of the Italian Federation of Hunting Gian Luca Dall'Olio.
At the end of the congress work, characterized by a debate at times also lively, but always marked by a comparison on concrete issues and practical aspects whose sole purpose was to decide the best for hunting and hunters, the assembly voted and approved unanimously the following agenda:
"The LV Annual National Assembly of ANUU Migratoristi - Association of Italian Migrationists for the Conservation of the Natural Environment, held in Bergamo in the presence of the National Councilors, the regional and provincial Presidents, as well as the Representatives of the municipal groups, unanimously approved the programmatic report e
all its agendas unanimously approved by the previous National Assemblies aimed, since 1999, at proposing the establishment of a new and unique national hunting organization representing Italian hunters;
the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 3 September 2012 together with the Italian Federation of Hunting, then shared also by the CPA, aimed at starting the definition of a specific project for the constitution of a new and unique association representative of all Italian hunters open the participation of all the hunting associations of the country;
that this project can be effectively shared and participated by all the Italian hunting associations as soon as possible;
of the general principles to which the Statute of the new and unique associative subject must comply, in particular the need for it to guarantee the defense and promotion of hunting in its various forms without any discrimination, as well as providing for transitional rules aimed at guaranteeing the active participation of all the representatives involved in the constitution of the new single Association;
to give mandate to the Presidency of the ANUUMigrators to proceed with the appropriate and necessary acts for the constitution of the new Associative subject in agreement with FIDC and CPA. "
A document that the presidents of the three Associations engaged in this process of renewal of the hunting association panorama of our country consider a very important, further step that makes the birth of a new associative subject gathered under a new flag even closer, which can proceed towards the reconstruction of a "hunting system" in our country. "
26 March 2013
ANUUMigrators - CPA - Italian Federation of Hunting