The Hunting Associations FIdC, Arci Hunting, ANUU Migrationists, Eps, and CNCN opposed to the weakening of the defense of nature and the rural territory caused by the problems affecting the specialized Police Corps.
The Hunting Associations FIdC, Arci Caccia, AnuuMigratoristi, Eps, and CNCN express deep concern about the unresolved problems relating to the Police Corps that ensure surveillance and safety in our campaigns. The “Del Rio Reform” has opened a reflection on the role and function of the Provincial Police while we are moving towards the progressive overcoming of the Authority's competences. To this is added the open discussion on the reorganization and the possible questioning of the existence of the State Forestry Corps.
The reforms in place risk decreasing the protection of rural and internal areas with a weakening of the activities of the Police Forces specialized in the prevention and repression of environmental crimes which are widespread and, if not adequately prosecuted, often irreparably damage the interests of all Italian citizens. We are also concerned about the hunting activity and the hunters we represent, because we may find ourselves having less incisiveness in the fight against poaching which, on the other hand, increasingly needs technologies and presence in the territories, also in the interest of the hunters themselves. who do not want and must not be assimilated to those who act in contempt of laws and regulations. Modernization, professionalism, knowledge of the territories and speed of intervention, are needs for which we make the assets of our Volunteer Guards available.
We underline the importance of the role and value of the CFS restructured and renewed in a European key because we hope for a new phase of collaboration between the forestry and the hunting world, as even hunters, as "sentinels of the forest", represent an essential resource for defense. of the territory and the prevention of environmental crimes. The State Forestry Corps is a reference point for those who, without discriminating ideological prejudices, want to contribute to a capillary monitoring of the many places, often unknown to most, which make our rural landscape a particular value for Italy and the whole world. .
(March 28, 2015)
Hunting Federation