Il hunting calendar 2017-2018 which has just been approved by the Regional Council of Campania continues to be a food for thought. After the Arci Caccia association pointed out the positive aspects of the text, the clear stance by Edmund Cirielli, deputy of the Brothers of Italy-AN. Cirielli did not like the hunting calendar at all, judging it penalizing towards hunters.
In particular, the postponement of thegeneral opening of hunting activities, scheduled for October 1st instead of the third Sunday of September as was initially assumed. The first analysis of the document revealed, again according to the deputy, a series of inconsistencies. Specifically, the reason for allowing the aquatic hunting (codons and pochards in the first place) until January 21, 2018, allowing at the same time to restrict access to hunters in wetlands.
We are talking about the ban, valid until January 20 next year, which concerns distances of not less than 500 meters from waterways and these areas. For all these reasons it will be presented a question to ask for more clarity and reviewing a choice that only risks damaging the hunting world.