Some "vulture" immediately lashed out against Arch Hunting for not having intervened ad opposenedum regarding the appeal to Hunting calendar of the Marches 2019/2020 proposed to the TAR last August by LAC and other Environmental Associations. Arci Caccia Marche, coherent to the end, is keen to point out that the intervention ad opposenedum on the occasion of an appeal to the TAR it is only useful to advertise one's presence.
The Lawyers of the Region, the only true counterpart of the process, they did a great job and we thank them for that. Despite this, we would also like to thank the Hunting Associations, Libera Caccia, Federcaccia and Enalcaccia PT for taking part in the hearing of last 18.09.2019. Arci Caccia Marche had asked the Marche Region to submit the 2019/2020 Hunting Calendar a Incidence Assessment (Arci Caccia CV Marche 19/20 proposal).
So it was and thanks to the adoption of this provision requested by us, as highlighted in the Ordinance 174/2019 issued by the TAR Marche on 18/09/2019, the only limitations imposed by said Ordinance they only refer to the removal of Pochard and Lapwing. The rest of the Calendar remains unchanged, including hunting in the Natura 2000 Sites (SCI and SPA).