The appeal to the Regions
This is the summary of the latest video released by Federcaccia: “The will expressed by the recent modification to article 18 of the 157/92 is clear. We ask that the Regions follow its spirit without giving in to the unmotivated opposition and warnings of the various anti-hunting groups. On this point, Federcaccia's position is firm and does not intend to give in".
Scientific data
“Rather, we invite the Regions to take action now, before the end of the current hunting season, to issue as soon as possible well-motivated calendars supported by scientific data in view of the next one, avoiding the usual dance of appeals”.
Huntable species and hunting seasons
The reference was to what happened at the end of 2024, with the amendment to the Finance Act that partially changed Article 18 of the National Hunting Law, namely the one on huntable species and periods relating to hunting activity.