The much discussed new law on hunting has been approved by a majority of the Campania Regional Council.
The Campania Regional Council approved by a majority the unified text on "the protection of wildlife and the discipline of hunting in Campania", the long-awaited new law for the discipline of hunting in the region.
The most awaited of the novelty of the new legislative text is the repeal of the notorious article 34 of the last Regional Finance Act according to which the exercise of hunting on the regional territory had to be subject to daily booking.
In addition, the new law reduces the bureaucratic constraints for obtaining the hunting license and increases the spaces intended for hunting migratory fauna, on the other hand those for hunting sedentary fauna remain unchanged.
Other relevant aspects of the law are the interventions regarding compensation for damage caused by wildlife, adopting a similar proposal in the Bill prepared by the Regional Council; the planned management of the hunt; the activities aimed at the functioning and establishment of the ATCs are also regulated through simplification processes that are nevertheless able to enhance their activity and finally the expectations of the environmentalist world in relation to protected areas are protected with the new regulatory text.
According to the data of the Hunting Associations in Campania there are 45 thousand hunters who pay 66,62 euros each year for the regional tax on the granting of the hunting license; with the approval of the new law, a further 31 euros must be added to the previous payment to be able to hunt migratory fauna. The money paid by Campania hunters will bring about 4,5 million euros each year to the regional coffers, of which a part will be allocated to wildlife restocking activities.
The consolidated text, born from the work of a specific sub-commission chaired by the Hon. Pietro Foglia (UDC) and composed of the directors Carlo Aveta, Daniela Nugnes, Eva Longo, Dario Barbirotti, Giovanni Fortunato and Donato Pica, was fired and approved by the joint commissions I and VIII.
The law had long been awaited by both the world of hunters and environmental associations and revises, at the same time providing for its repeal, the old discipline referred to in Regional Law No. 8 of 10 April 1996.
Hon. Pietro Foglia commented, “I would like to express, as well as my satisfaction, my heartfelt thanks for the valuable work done by the commission for the preparation of the new text with the commitment and contribution given by all the political forces. I believe it is important to underline that the text incorporates the contributions offered by the associations and also by the Provinces at the hearing in the preparatory work phase ”.
President Foglia then added: “The text approved today in the Chamber is the result of a work that lasted months, the complexity of which was due both to the number of amendments presented and to the combination of different interests contemplated. For us it was the primary goal to online pokies for you to carry out a work that is complete and valid from all points of view, which does not differ from the most recent European regulations on the subject, also taking into account that the last regional law dates back to 16 years ago ”.
The representatives of some of the Campania Hunting Associations including Federcaccia and the National Free Hunting Association were present at the discussion of the new law. Satisfied the regional councilor Carlo Aveta who, on the approval of the new law in the Campania Regional Council, declared, “The approval of the hunting law represents a turning point for the entire hunting world in Campania. The infamous article 34 of the last regional budget, which had sent the hunting world into turmoil, is finally repealed ”.
Continuing on the issue, Aveta stated, "This reform had been expected for years and with the amendment of article 36 of the consolidated act on hunting, which takes up my proposal for law n.270 of 11 November 2011, a series of excesses are eliminated. bureaucrats to which all Campania hunters had to submit ".
Obviously, the environmental associations WWF, Legambiente and Lipu were contrary to the law, which had fought considering the new legislation a serious danger for the regional fauna. A note from environmentalists released in recent days read "Among the most devastating changes, the new law allows the hunting of migratory birds even without the hunters respecting the territory they belong to (as is the case now), this will favor a real and massacre for many species of birds that pass over our skies ".
In addition, according to environmentalists, "this law contains a series of rules that will facilitate the exercise of hunting indiscriminately including an increase in weekly hunting days, an increase in the possibility of carrying out fixed hunting stalks, dog training even in periods of closed hunting and reproduction of the species, hunting open all year round in the hunting reserves where even the guards of the environmental protection associations cannot access ".
Finally, the environmentalists concluded "All these regulations not only do not respect the national legislation but trample on the European environmental directives, also ignoring the existence of the protected areas belonging to the European Natura 2000 network (in Campania - even if few know it - there are about 150 and all beautiful) ".