Hunting: Cetraro, thanks from the municipal administration to the local hunters for the commitment shown in safeguarding the environment and redeveloping the territory.
This is the summary of the press release released a little while ago by Councilor Pino Losardo on behalf of the municipal administration. Thanks to the hunters of Cetraro for their commitment to demolish "all those unspeakable monuments built by man's incivility and indifference to a priceless natural heritage". "On Sunday 17 March 2013, the hunters of our city gave tangible proof of what is the true spirit that binds them to their passion and that, other than a boundless love for nature, an uncommon dedication to safeguarding the territory, an expert vocation for the protection of wildlife and the genetic changes that affect it ".
With these words, the councilor for the Budget and Heritage, prof. Pino Losardo, in the name and on behalf of the municipal administration, expressed his satisfaction with the initiative undertaken by a team of numerous wild boar hunters, of which Mr. Luigi Tundis, aimed at a meticulous environmental reclamation of a part of the vast municipal mountain territory.
Armed with gloves and rakes, the same hunters have collected all the solid waste, abandoned along the edges of the marvelous mountain road that connects the Provincial road Cetraro-Fagnano Castello to the Persico Lake, demolishing all those unspeakable monuments built by the civilization and indifference of the man towards a priceless natural heritage that one has the duty to preserve for future generations.
"I am sure - continued Councilor Losardo - that other teams of harnessers and individual hunters will also plan, in the future, cleaning and environmental redevelopment of the entire municipal area, because true and rewarding hunting is the one that produces nature and that it offers itself to collaboration with all the institutions for the pursuit of the public good. It is not without significance that, in recent years, hunters have emerged from their atavistic isolation and have consolidated relationships of profitable subsidiarity and collaboration with the agricultural world and with the most enlightened environmental associations ”.
"Our hope, again, is that all the hunters of our city, also through the creation of effective coordination, create a large cordon of vigilance against the progressive and devastating phenomenon of arson that, punctually, during the dry seasons, our territory on its knees, destroying hectares of woods and precious Mediterranean scrub. Without any scruple for the danger caused to the very safety of people ".
"The Mayor Aieta and the entire administration therefore express their gratitude to all those who contributed to the conception and organization of this initiative and, at the same time, turn their thoughts to the spirit of aggregation that it has generated between the local hunting associations, the institutional hunting organizations of the territory, the voluntary associations for the protection of the environment ".
“They address a special thanks to the President of ATC CS1, based in Castrovillari, Saverio Bloise and to the two vice-presidents of the same Area, sign. Rosanna Ciancia and D'Elia Fausto, who, with their presence, wished to testify to the applause of this important institutional body for the initiative implemented by some of the Cetraro hunters ”.
“They express the same gratitude to the Command of the Forestry Corps of the State stationed in our city, for the irreplaceable service they render, with a high sense of duty and of the institutions, in defense of the protection of the territory and public heritage. Again, at the Command of the Traffic Police Corps, which intended to participate with its own unit in the event. To the Association of Voluntary Work and Civil Protection of the city, GI.ZA. To all the hunters of Cetraro, primarily, who have proven, and will continue to do so, to be the most attentive and committed "sentinels" of nature, ready to defend it against the most vile and unspeakable phenomena of damage and environmental pollution than the world of today it is capable of generating ”.
22 March 2013
Source: Cetraro in Rete