On January 31st, as every year, the general hunt ends. This year the Council of Ministers of the Republic even thought about bringing forward the closure for some species in many regions. It is clear that our Ministers, living a season of great prosperity and having nothing else to think about, have devoted part of their precious time to dealing with thrushes and woodcocks. All this would be nothing if they did it correctly and scientifically. No, not at all, as usual they listened to the environmentalist and anti-hunt sirens and wasted precious time to commit yet another mistake towards us. In the meantime, the measures for the legal and legitimate possession of weapons are tightening up, making life impossible for collectors and so at this rate.
But as always we do not give up, we now have broad shoulders and sooner or later our reasons will come out with strength and vigor. In the meantime, a good general cleaning to our guns which will remain closed until the next general opening and a period of well-deserved rest to our beloved dogs before the start of training already in spring.
However, our passion does not go to rest like rifles and a good way to feed it is the beginning of the season of the fairs. It begins immediately in February with the HIT, the Vicenza fair which has now established itself as one of the most important sector events in all of Europe. The fair is an excellent opportunity for all of us hunters to meet, discuss our world, see what's new on the market, maybe think about changing a rifle or getting a new rifle or planning the next hunting trip. In short, fairs are events that many fans never intend to miss.
On the Caccia Passione portal, as usual, you will always have all the updates on the events scheduled in our area. All that remains is to choose the ones that suit you best.
The hunting season, however, not only does not close, but even opens now for many selection hunters who are grappling with the completion of the culling plans. In this regard, we are pleased to record the approval by the Tuscany region of the law that regulates the management of ungulates throughout the year by making use of hunting wildlife control tools. To protect the economic life in the countryside, biodiversity, the safety of the people who move on the roads of that region. Here is an example of how what we have said for years has been reflected in civil society and even politics. Of course, as usual, Tuscany was the first to move, a region with one of the highest rates of hunters and with a very pronounced sensitivity towards nature, biodiversity and the environment.
So let's continue in the wake of Tuscany and really begin to be an active part in the proper management of the territory. For the rest we are all waiting for you to meet us personally at one of the next fairs.
Long live Maria!