Hunting and fauna in the Caserta area. During the last month of July 2016 the Territorial Hunting Area of Caserta, planned and carried out a repopulation of about 10.000 throughout the province dedicated to this species. pheasants aged between 120 and 130 days (which is the one considered most suitable for their acclimatization and their acclimatization on the territory).
This repopulation operation was preceded by these words of the President of the Caserta ATC, Dr. Valerio Marcello Toscano: "The ATC of Caserta, after having repopulated the provincial territory with the liberation of 1.600 hares, after pre-setting in electrified mobile enclosures, which at present have given a more than satisfactory result both for the quality of the product and for the pre-setting system implemented, is therefore now preparing to create a vast introduction of pheasants ".
"They are young subjects - explained Toscano - who, moreover, are placed in a period in which the heat is particularly felt, so all the collaboration and cooperation on your part is necessary to ensure that the repopulation obtains the maximum possible result and gifts. satisfaction of encounters for enthusiasts during the next hunting season. It would be appropriate, as well as useful and profitable, therefore to choose with particular care the sites in which you suggest to enter the animals, bearing in mind not only the most appropriate habitat, but also and above all the presence of water and food resources essential for their survival " .
"Know that an animal - stated the ATC president continuing - even if of excellent quality but in any case always breeding, placed in a state of freedom, survives where it finds, especially in the acclimatization phase, the absence of disturbing actions and the conditions optimal both food and housing for survival. Therefore, in the meantime, the ATC management body will endeavor to carefully evaluate the results achieved by the injections and on them will make all the most appropriate corrective measures for the future, capable of creating the best conditions for the increase of fauna. on our territory, today as tomorrow, we ask for your collaboration, convinced that together we will be able to give satisfactory and rewarding results to all Caserta hunters. Grateful for your availability and for everything you do, I wish you all a strong good luck ".
A declaration that recalled a sense of responsibility and a spirit of collaboration in all Caserta hunters. During the hunting year, there were many hunters who had the skill and the good fortune to come across hunting actions of their auxiliaries on these wild animals and after almost a year, images and videos reach the ATC committee of Caserta. testimony of the success of these repopulation operations.
For reasons of safety and environmental ethics, the locations surveyed are not revealed but below you will be able to see a photo, a video and a still image of the video both relating to the territory of Caserta, respectively of the Aversano area and the Upper Caserta area. From the photo taken at the beginning of April you can see a brood (still monitored) with 18 eggs that are regularly looked after by the pheasant.
In the video instead, you can admire a struggle for the conquest of the territory by two male pheasants, immortalized by a camera trap also positioned by the ATC of Caserta for the monitoring of wild boars and foxes as part of the project concerning the censuses and related killing. , by the enabled selecontrollers, of the so-called "problematic species".
Other images were then captured, during night monitoring in the area of the Caserta coast, in which some specimens of hares were immortalized, including a very young one.
Source: Federcaccia