Marco Efisio Pisanu, president of the Sardinian regional section of the association Hunting Fishing Environment, has decided to respond to the accusations made by the non-profit organization Legal Intervention Group, a body that deals with environmental protection. Pisanu said he was amazed at the concern that Stefano Deliperi took with regard to it the activities of hunters, but the lack of knowledge of the rules governing hunting is even more surprising. The issue is that of bad weather and snow.
Environmentalists have talked about isolated villages and folds, with men and animals in distress, but Caccia Pesca Ambiente Sardegna wanted to remember how many Sardinian hunters have put aside their rifles and they went to help those who found themselves in this situation, while animal rights activists and environmentalists were conspicuous by their absence. Plus, they didn't even see each other when they needed to extinguish fires and transport forage in the affected areas. According to Pisanu, CPA, Federcaccia, Unione Cacciatori Sardegna, but also the Armieri Association, Enalcaccia, Italcaccia, Libera Caccia, Sarda Caccia and Cinofilia Sardegna have not made any whining, legitimately asking for practice hunting until January 29th.
In the response to the criticisms one can also read the reference to the fact that island hunters are the only ones in Italy who have decided to hunt only two fixed days each week to protect the fauna. Moreover, animal rights activists would be in favor of the Territorial Areas of Hunting, while the Sardinian hunting world has always been against it. The letter ends peremptorily: You end your letter with the phrase "Arrogance and selfishness, this is the true face of these hunting associations". Let me answer you like this: Bias and opportunism, this is the true face of some environmental associations.