Hunting: Friuli Venezia Giulia, approved the draft law for the management of wildlife and hunting; discipline on exceptions, introduction of game, track dogs and recovery of injured wild animals.
A draft law on wildlife-hunting management of only 5 articles, but necessary because it refers to the findings of the Government before the Constitutional Court on the subject of exemption from levies, the introduction of game ready to hunt, track dogs and recovery of injured animals. The IV Council Commission approved it by majority: PD, Cittadini and SEL in favor with the President of the Commission, Vittorino Boem (PD), who will be the majority speaker for the Chamber; against Pdl and LN, with the Northern League player Mara Piccin minority speaker; M5S and AR abstained. As for the recovery of animals seriously injured during hunting, but also following a road accident, the regional councilor Sergio Bolzonello illustrated an amendment which provides for the intervention of "qualified recoverers", volunteers who have obtained a specific qualification from the Province, after attending a specific course and passing the final exam. In their recovery activities, they make use of a special dog, called a track dog, also in possession of the appropriate qualification acquired on the basis of specific work tests.
The courses are organized by the Provinces according to the guidelines of the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the Italian National Dog Association (ENCI). Following the injury of an animal, the intervention of a track dog handler must be requested from among those enrolled in the appropriate provincial list. Before starting the intervention, the interviewed conductor must notify the provincial surveillance of the start of recovery. This evaluates the circumstances and, if it deems it necessary, intervenes directly. In the case of an animal injured by a hunter, the body is his property.
These provisions - Bolzonello highlighted - concern cases not specifically identified and can also be applied on days of silent hunting (Tuesday and Friday) as they are not hunting activities. Of the unconvinced of the amendment, Roberto Dipiazza (AR), who doubts the operational capabilities of the Provinces in this field and referred to a negative experience with the Province of Trieste for the recovery of some wild boars.
Mara Piccin pointed out that it is necessary to create and disseminate a toll-free number to which you can call to find a qualified recovery, also will present to the attention of the Chamber some changes to the basic text because it does not solve important issues such as pests and ready hunting, a criticism that Paride Cargnelutti (Pdl) agrees with, who, like her, voted against the bill. Roberto Revelant (AR) pointed out that the council brings new functions to the provinces when it states its intention to suppress them. A contradiction, this, not denied even by Enzo Marsilio (PD), who spoke of the need to review the entire wildlife-hunting plan, according to a work of global revision of the matter to which the commissioner Bolzonello has already said he is available. but for the fall.
July 27th, 2013
Source: AgenParl