With a letter sent to the President of the regional council of the Campania Hon Vincenzo De Luca and the Honorable Councilor for Agriculture Nicola Caputo, the regional hunting associations they ask for an explanation regarding the unusual procedure for issuing the hunting calendar for next season.
Below is the text of the letter: "The undersigned hunting associations have come to know through the facebook page of the councilor Caputo that the Regional Council of Campania would have approved the hunting calendar 2022/2023 with changes to be made. First of all we learn with great amazement the legislative anomaly chosen by the Regional Council which for the first time in the drafting of the hunting calendars chooses to approve the 2022/23 vintage hunting calendar and then it is not known to which offices or administrative bodies the definitive drafting of the same.
We hope that the changes to be made are only of a "formal" nature and certainly not "substantial" otherwise we will have to bitterly note that the Department and the Regional Council have decided to "abdicate" its institutional and legislative tasks to third parties who certainly have certainly not been invested with the necessary popular consent. At this point, it is useful to remember that the hunting calendar, as required by current legislation, has reached its approval by the Board after having acquired the mandatory but not binding opinions of both theIspra that the Regional Wildlife Hunting Technical Committee.
In the last meeting of this regional technical-scientific body, held on 06 June 2022, a draft of the hunting calendar was reached, also at the express request of the councilor, in compliance with current legislation, community directives and new key concepts so much so that it was agreed and unanimously shared also by the agricultural and environmental associations present there, therefore now it is not understood what changes to the text should be made and above all by what further regional technical-scientific body!
We hope that what was established and resolved in the last meeting of the CTFVR will be incorporated in the issuing hunting calendar otherwise we will have to take note not only of a precise and clear "persecutory" and "punitive" intent towards the category of hunters by the Campania Regional Council, aimed at mortifying the legitimate expectations of the senseless wishes of the animal rights world, but above all that the commitments undertaken by the regional councilor Caputo have no binding political value for the Campania Regional Council. It should be clear that if you want to initiate a "Senseless" and "inexplicable" changes more restrictive than the draft hunting calendar as approved in the CTFVR, we will directly challenge the hunting calendar, also acting further before all the other competent judicial authorities for the defense of the interests and rights of all Campania hunters "(source: Hunting Federation).