The last videoconference meeting of the Control room.
A few days earlier I had sent all the participants a document that reiterated some of my concerns about the future of hunting in Italy and some proposals for action to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Control room and, at the same time, return to stimulate the start of a profound organizational change in the Italian hunting associations, resuming with greater decision and determination the unitary path that had already begun, albeit timidly. During the meeting, I unfortunately had to note that, for the umpteenth time, my appeal fell on deaf ears and I therefore came, albeit reluctantly, to the conclusion that it is perfectly useless to continue spending time and energy in this regard.
I'm very sorry but I have to deal with it. At the same time, however, I feel at peace with my conscience because I have always tried to put forward concrete proposals to ensure a better future for hunting in our country and its proper consideration by society and institutions. I really hope I'm wrong and that my ideas and proposals are completely wrong, because that would mean that hunting, my only, true and great passion, will continue, despite everything and everyone, to have a future. Naturally, I will continue to participate in the control room trying to offer the contribution of the ANUUMigratoristi on the issues that will be brought into discussion from time to time. Here is a summary of my main observations and proposals to allow everyone to express their thoughts on the matter.
The President ANUUMigrators
Marco Castellani
1) Faced with the attacks and offenses coming from the animal-environmentalist world, from men of the public and private media or from the Institutions, the Control Room has always been too tolerant and weak in reaction, while it had to take a more firm and above all position visible, also resorting to legal means.
2) Also on the level of external communication, i.e. that addressed to institutions, society and the media in general to propose ourselves as a resource and an active and necessary part of the community, the action of the Control Room manifested itself belatedly, too timidly and weakly , with sporadic even if important and in some ways innovative initiatives.
3) The current Control Room does not represent the optimal organizational structure to offer Italian hunters all the answers they expect and thus guarantee a future for hunting in our country. A simple coordination is not enough because the current organizational structure of the hunting world, so divided and fragmented into multiple recognized or unrecognized realities, moreover very often in contrast with each other, weakens and hinders the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions carried out and multiplies on the other hand, the costs incurred for similar initiatives, preventing the achievement of important economies of scale that would free up useful resources to better address the many challenges to which we are called.
4) Hunting Associations must not fight each other to ephemerally extend their respective associative holdings, because the individual Associations are not "the end" but, on the contrary, they are - or rather - should only be the means, the instrument aimed at achievement of the true and only goal that consists only in the defense and enhancement of the role of hunting and hunters in society. And when this means proves insufficient, it must necessarily be changed.
1) Even if all the requisites necessary to successfully adopt legal initiatives are not always present, in the face of obvious falsehoods and incorrectness in the messages communicated, it is still necessary to pass from words to deeds, also to send concrete signals to those responsible in order to understand that they must really stop disrespecting hunting and abusing the privileged position they enjoy which allows them public visibility to hunters which is always denied.
2) We need an articulated and continuous communication project over time aimed at reaching the main national media, ensuring constant and adequate visibility to the messages of the hunting world, since only when we are able to publicly affirm the idea that hunting is a resource for the We can hope to see concrete answers arrive also for our more technical and sectoral problems (calendars, exceptions, modification of Law no. 157/92, etc.).
3) A profound reorganization based on a concrete project is needed to arrive at the constitution of a new, unique, modern and rational hunting association able to effectively fight our real enemies, to relate in an authoritative way with politics and institutions, to do more scientific research and communication with young people and with society, equipping themselves with the necessary professional skills, thus making the best use of the financial resources available.
4) It is necessary to follow new strategies and active policies focused primarily on the actions necessary to obtain recognition of the irreplaceable social utility of hunting on the environmental, health, fauna and economic level, basing all our positions and claims on unequivocal and incontrovertible scientific data, presenting ourselves to the public opinion in a correct and programmed way with a new and structured global communication strategy.