Administrative ruling
The TAR of the Basilicata suspended yesterday evening the collection of the turtle dove, which will not be huntable in the 3 days of pre-opening planned. Unfortunately, it was not enough to have reduced the regional bag to 350 heads and to have foreseen the collection only in the three days of pre-opening.
recurring associations
Going into more detail of the matter, the appeal was presented by Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU) Odv, WWF Italia -ETS, LNDC – Animal Protection Aps. The decision by the judges of the Regional Administrative Court is dated August 31, 2024, therefore yesterday.
The reasons of the TAR
Here is what can be read in the sentence: “The effects of the resolution of the Basilicata Regional Council n. 433 of 1/8/2024 are temporarily suspended, in the part in which, in articles 2.3 and 6, point 1.2 a), it authorizes the collection of the turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) on 1, 4 and 8 September 2024. The collegial hearing is set for 25/9/2024”.