HUNTING IN CALABRIA: As received published.
The undersigned Lefosse Nilo, acting as President e Legal Representative of the Territorial Area of Hunting Cosenza 2, with headquarters in Viale Margherita, 236, 87064 – Corigliano-Rossano (CS) – au Rossano. VISTA the legislation in force on the subject and in particular the art. 7 of the Statute of the Territorial Area of Hunting, approved by the Calabria Region with Regional Regulation No. 11 of 16 September 2010;
SUMMONS the ATC CS2 Members' Meeting for 28/04/2023 at 16.00 on first call and at 17.00 on second call, in the former Municipal Delegation Hall located in Piazza Montalti di Corigliano-Rossano (CS), Area Urbana Rossano, with the following items on the Agenda: 1) Approval of the Statute 2) Election of the Board of Auditors.
Those entitled to vote must present themselves at the Municipal Assembly with a valid identification document. This Call will remain published for 15 days. consecutive on the site of'ATC CS2 and on the Praetorian Registers of the ATC CS2 and of the Municipality of Corigliano-Rossano.
Corigliano-Rossano, 13 April 2023
advertising campaign Territorial Area of Hunting - Cosenza 2