Meanwhile the Technical Faunal Committee of the Campania Region already called for May 31, 2022, it is postponed to June 6 next (the communication of the postponement reached us in the heart of the Cesarini area. Venators Calendar 2022 2023, which is and will be the subject of discussion. As regards the applicable periods, a preliminary consideration must be made, whether to take into consideration and take into consideration the New Key Concepts 2021, or not ... at the moment we do not have sufficient elements to be able to make alternative proposals ... Campania Region.
It is understood that the PFVR 2013-2023 is about to expire, that at the moment the provincial hunting planning is being updated. That the Campania Region is among the few Italian regions that have transmitted in the last 5/7 years the data of the killing, detected by the analysis of the hunting cards (note of the MITE of 26.5.2022 results of the technical table of 6.5.2022).
As regards the venable period for wild boar, taking into account two important factors, first, the postponement of the summer season also in October, excessive heat and poor conservation of game meat after killing, moreover, excessive heat compromises the work of the dogs followed.
second, in the month of October the woods are still closed and full of leaves, (significant reduction of the results from the point of view of hunting) many works are postponed to October in the vineyards and olive groves, (danger for public and private safety) would be it is advisable to opt for a period available from November 1st to January 31st, rather than from October 1st to December 31st.
Dog training in agri-tourism hunting farms, the law provides that within these institutes there are at least one dog training area and one every 200 hectares of extension of the same. In the dog training areas, dog training with and without shooting on farmed game is allowed all year round except Tuesdays and Fridays, days of hunting silence. (DPGR n.627 of 22 September 2003). This period should be better specified in the dedicated paragraph.
Use and training of dogs
Selection hunting
In the dedicated paragraph, the note of Ispra prot. 11687 / T of 16/2/2016, this note was drawn up on a specific interpretation opinion requested by theEPS Game Producers to ISPRA, regarding the management activities that have the purpose of controlling the species compatible with the ban on foraging, introduced by art. 7 paragraph 2 of Law no. 28; therefore, in referring entirely to the Note ofISPRA prot. 11687 / T transmitted to the EPS on 16/2/2016 in the specific paragraph Hunting of Selection, it is believed that they should be indicated, in the regulation of artificial foraging activities in the context of boar selection hunting, in full what is reported, which is summarized below:
- The type of forage to be used (food / slaughter and other waste to be avoided)
- The maximum limit of foraging points to be set up (penon more than 2 per sq km)
- The amount of forage to be used (no more than 1 kg of grain maize / day
- per site, in order to avoid providing additional food to the species capable of
- significantly interfere with overall food availability)
- The period of use, providing for its suspension when killing is not scheduled.