The choice of the TAR
As recalled by the Italian Federation of Hunting, Campania Regional Administrative Court with a single act suspended the hunting calendar in the part concerning the changes made to the text approved on 13 July and set the hearing for 11 October. In the same way as the contested, from 18 to 30 September only wood pigeon, dove and blackbird will be hunted. The general opening was carried over to 1 October.
What the sentence says
The main part of the sentence is the following: “Considering that the injury of extreme gravity and urgency is certainly recognizable within the limits of the demand for monochromatic measures, pertaining to the appeal of the deed of modification of the hunting calendar, DGR n. 459 of 1.9.2022, with reference to the attachment relating to the advance of the opening date of the hunting season for the species indicated therein.
Huntable species
To 18 September for the species Teal, Gadwall, Northern Pintail, Coot, Water Rail, Mallard, Moorhen, Garganey, Wigeon, Shoveler, Snipe and Whisk and to 21 September for the species Pheasant and Quail". The appeal in question was presented by the LIPU (Italian Bird Protection League) and by the WWF.