In Emilia Romagna, hunting is allowed in derogation only for the starling species from September XNUMXst
The Regional Council of Emilia Romagna has adopted a provision which, from 1 September, will allow hunting by way of derogation only for starling. Strong opposition from the PDL which with the councilors Luca Bartolini and Gianguido Bazzoni point out that "unlike what happened in previous years, in the three provinces of Forli'-Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini this year the hunting derogation will not be allowed of the collared dove, despite the many requests received in this regard from agricultural associations that complain about the enormous damage caused to the crops by this bird ".
Furthermore, according to the two councilors, "it does not respect the draft discussed on 8 July with the hunting associations", so with an interpellation to the council, the two councilors ask the regional executive the reasons why the requests were not respected in the provision of agricultural associations and why, a document has been approved that largely contradicts the decisions taken by the Executive in recent years. The two Councilors also point out "the serious risk that this year the stop and go hunting theater will be repeated in derogation, due to the appeals to the TAR presented by environmental associations" and that "the calendar is set in such a way as to be useful to favor suspensions, with specific appeals to the TAR aimed at suspending hunting in the periods of greatest presence of harmful birds ". According to the councilors, these are "appeals presented as time bombs, with a timing that once again highlights the great power exercised by animal-environmental associations in the Emilia-Romagna Region".