Two days ago, Monday 3 July 2017, the hunting associations Hunting Fishing Environment, Enalcaccia, Federcaccia e Union of Hunters of Sardinia gathered in Tramatza, in the province of Oristano, to talk about the Sardinian hunting fauna plan. All these acronyms have found a point of contact in the actions to be taken to counter the document. First of all, the feasibility or otherwise of a appeal to the Regional Administrative Court.
The objective is to request the cancellation of the determination of the Department of the Environment, which approved the regional plan and the consequent Territorial Areas of Hunting. In addition, there will be a collection of signatures from all the island municipalities, without forgetting the widespread distribution of an information leaflet, in order to illustrate in every detail what the negative consequences of the ATC in Sardinia.
The hunting associations want to involve farmers, fishermen and ranchers in this battle, given that the hypothesis of a demonstration or a sit-in, both massive, to deliver the collected signatures to the Governor of Sardinia is not so remote. Despite the absence of the meeting, they still joined Italcaccia, Free Hunt e Sardinian hunting.