Precautionary principle
The environmental associations, with an appeal filed on 06/09/24, before the TAR Sicily Palermo, RG 1203/24, have challenged the hunting calendar relating to the current year, complaining, once again, of an alleged violation of the precautionary principle.
The pre-opening question
In particular, environmental associations consider the CV illegitimate insofar as it has provided for the possibility of exercising hunting activities, despite the crisis caused by the drought period that has hit some areas of the Region, even on some days before the opening.
Federcaccia's commitment
The Regional Council of the Italian Hunting Federation has already given a mandate to lawyers Accursio Gagliano and Accursio Augello, who will be assisted by the team of experts from the National Bird Office, to prepare the necessary defenses to protect Sicilian hunters (source: FIDC Sicilia).