Exception of constitutionality
The TAR Veneto has issued its ruling on the appeal of the animal environmentalist associations on numerous aspects of the hunting calendar 2024-25. The objection of unconstitutionality on the protection of animals and various other points was rejected.
Closure of aquatics
Only the points on the closures for the redwing, the gadwall, the moorhen and the mallard were accepted. All other waterfowl will close on 30 January 2025. The three species of waterfowl mentioned above are brought forward to the 20th while the redwing goes to 9 January. The closures on the 20th for woodcock, fieldfare and song thrush remain.
recurring associations
Going into more detail on the issue, the appeal was presented by the Association League for the Abolition of Hunting, the WWF Italia ETS Association, the Lipu Association, the Italian League for the Protection of Birds, LNDC Animal Protection – Social Promotion Association, and the LAV League Anti-Vivisection Association.