Just three days of the pre-opening by way of derogation for the 2014/2015 hunting season, the Lazio Region has decreed a single hunting day for 1 September only (despite the fact that ISPRA has given a favorable opinion to 2 days), limited to the blackbird species, turtledove, and the various species of corvids in fixed or temporary stalking in their hunting residence ATCs and / or second ATCs.
ARCI CACCIA del Lazio hopes that this day will be a day of celebration in compliance with the rules and expression of ethical behavior towards agricultural crops, towards colleagues and above all a strong respect for the fauna present and not subject to the derogation for the which we hope to be able to meet you from the general opening of 21 September onwards. A strong good luck to all Lazio hunters.
The regional President
Claudio Terribili
(28 August 2014)