Hunting: Lombardy, amendments to the Regional Law n.26 / 93 containing the legislation concerning the “Protection of wild fauna and for the protection of the environmental balance and discipline of hunting”.
In committee VIII, in the session of yesterday 2 October 2013, the procedure for the revision of the LR OF 16 AUGUST 1993 No. 26 began. RULES FOR THE PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE AND FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL BALANCE AND 'VENATORY ACTIVITY. Two bills on the committee table, PDL 48 presented on June 18 by director Alessandro Sala (Maroni group) and PDL 93 presented on September 24, 2013 signed by directors Dario Bianchi (Lega Nord), Mauro Parolini (PDL) , Alessandro Fermi (PDL) and Fabio Rolfi (Northern League).
It was agreed to proceed with the combined examination of the two bills, on which the President of Commission VIII Alessandro Fermi was appointed rapporteur. For a careful and effective commitment in the analysis of the two bills, the president has set up a working group coordinated by the director Alessandro Sala (Maroni Group). The working group is made up of the following directors: Dario Bianchi (Northern League), Corrado Tomasi (PD), Paolo Micheli (Civica Ambrosoli), Gianpietro Maccabiani (M5S) and Claudio Pedrazzini (PDL). The group will meet for the first meeting at the end of the session of the Commission scheduled for Thursday 10 October. Great satisfaction was expressed by the councilor Alessandro Sala: "It is an important moment for hunters, I am very satisfied since there has been talk for many years of the need to reform Law 26/93, the associations and provinces had drawn up projects that have never been presented, I am sure that it takes courage to change something.
I presented PDL 48 in June because this is a necessity in the hunting world, I am aware of the criticality of the subject and I am happy that PDL 93 was presented by my fellow advisers. As coordinator of this working group, I express my commitment in the preliminary work that will see the hearings of hunting, agricultural, environmentalist associations and game production as crucial. This means that finally it will be possible to confront and with maturity come to the elaboration of the revision of the regional law. Today hunting also means cultural change and a close relationship with the agricultural world. The task we have taken on is to bring the text amending law 26/93 to the court in a short time ”.
3 October 2013
Alessandro Sala
Councilor to the Lombardy Region