Positive feedback for the Lombard mission in Brussels to the European Commission aimed at positively and positively closing the infringement procedure initiated against the Lombardy Region.
The delegation of the Lombardy Regional Commission for Agriculture, Parks and Water Resources met in the morning with the representatives of the Legal and Litigation Office Andrea Silvestri and Paola Pompermayer at the headquarters of Italrap (Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union), while in the afternoon a working meeting was held at the Directorate General for the Environment of the European Commission "Infringements Directorate" with the Director General Pia Buccella.
During the meeting, the Lombard delegation presented convincingly the reasons in support of the hunting derogation in the region in the face of the contrary positions often expressed at European level; the competent managers of the Italian representation in Brussels undertook to do their utmost to end the infringement procedure launched by the European Commission favorably and positively.
The Vice President of the Regional Council, Carlo Saffioti, and the President of the Commission, Mauro Parolini, stated on the outcome of the meeting, "We have obtained from the European Commission attention and willingness to investigate the reasons for the Lombard hunting practice and after a close confrontation we are confident that all the problems posed will be definitively overcome as early as next hunting season ”.
Satisfaction also on the part of the directors Mario Barboni and Valerio Bettoni, for a "useful meeting that laid the foundations for practicing hunting in derogation in Lombardy smoothly and without problems. The confrontation has finally started and we hope we can happily bring it to an end ".
Councilors Vanni Ligasacchi and Alessandro Marelli, on the other hand, expressed a certain mistrust, noting "a certain closure in the Europeanand one of the noblest historical traditions of our region, the result of preconceptions that are difficult to overcome ”.
The president Mauro Parolini and the other regional councilors have highlighted in detail how the points raised and complained by the European Commission in the infringement procedure launched last November do not find practical and concrete confirmation in the regional hunting law in derogation, inviting the representatives of the European Commission to take note and knowledge of the explanations and arguments provided.
In recent months, the Lombard Commission has already officially recalled Ispra to fully fulfill its duty in hunting matters, asking the Regional Council "to implement any useful initiative to oblige Ispra to express a mandatory opinion on the consistency of huntable species".
This recommendation was made necessary because since 2005 Ispra declares that it is unable to provide the data requested according to the criteria set by the European Union, and this non-compliance by ISPRA is the main reason for the infringement procedures initiated by the European Union. against Lombard hunting laws. "In the absence of the opinions of Ispra - Parolini and Ligasacchi suggested - to legislate we will be able to use the opinions expressed by the Observatory natural habitats and faunal populations, which have equal value and legitimacy ".
“We are working across the board in the Regional Council - concluded Carlo Saffioti and Mauro Parolini - so that the regional provisions on hunting are ever more consistent and respectful of the traditions of Lombard hunting practice. We intend to promote every useful action both in Rome and in Brussels so that, in compliance with the European directive, hunting activities are guaranteed and practiced in Lombardy as well as in many other European countries ".
Lombardy region