Hunting: Pisa, new wildlife hunting plan approved; Sanavio, “This is a document with strong pragmatism”, “We will limit the use of huts”.
The Provincial Council on 24 September adopted the new 2012-2015 Wildlife Hunting Plan. With the final approval in the Provincial Council, on 24 September the process of the new Provincial Wildlife Hunting Plan 2012-15 was completed. Compared to the document previously adopted by the Provincial Government, on March 20, 2013, the comments received from some Bodies, Associations and individuals, allowed for some changes, which however did not change the general approach and the main contents of the Plan. "This important programming tool represents - says Councilor Giacomo Sanavio - a pragmatic document, based on a substantial analysis of the existing and previous situation, which in an innovative way indicates the lines to follow in the management of the complex relationships between fauna and social categories interested. The provincial wildlife-hunting plan - adds Sanavio - is a real territorial planning tool: not only a fundamental technical document, but a political program for wildlife-hunting management. The underlying objectives are the protection of rural areas, the sustainability of hunting, social management, attention to the prevention of conflict with the agricultural sector ".
In fact, compared to the dynamics of the main wild species in the provincial territory, exposed through the data present in the provincial archives, the ATC and the Tuscan Ornithological Center, it is precisely the characterization of the "anthropic" dimension that represents, even in wildlife management, the characterizing element the management possibilities. The lines suggested by the Plan therefore start from interesting analyzes of the economic factors linked to hunting and damage to fauna, the expectations of the hunting world, the connections with the activities of the voluntary associations and the bodies involved.
The management indications, topic after topic, come after a path started in 2011, with which the Plan and the preliminary documents were illustrated and discussed during numerous meetings with associations, the Faunal Council, ATCs and with the population, in course of 6 evening meetings held in the municipalities of the Province. In addition to the specific regional legislation, the working times and procedural phases derive from the application of the mandatory procedures relating to the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Plan itself and from the Incidence Assessment relating to Natura 2000 sites in the Province of Pisa.
The drafting of the Wildlife Plan was carried out by a specific Design Unit made up of employees of various Services of the Province, coordinated by the Head of the Wildlife Defense Office, with obvious cost savings compared to the previous Plan, but with a close relationship of collaboration with the provincial ATCs, and in particular with the technicians who have provided services to these areas in recent years. This made it possible to create a document strictly connected with the provincial reality and with the various aspects (fauna, management, social and environmental) that characterize our Province.
The Plan consists of six parts, which can be consulted directly on the website of the Province of Pisa:
- the Provincial Wildlife Plan;
- Annex 1, which concerns the description of the evaluation scheme of the existing Provincial Faunal Institutes;
- Annex 2, which is made up of the individual evaluation forms of the Wildlife and Venators Institutes;
- the Environmental Report of VAS;
- the Impact Assessment of the Plan on Natura 2000 sites;
- the non-technical summary of environmental assessments.
The first part is the most substantial and is divided into seven chapters, of which the first four focus on the description and analysis of the pre-plan provincial wildlife-hunting situation. In these chapters, in addition to the regulatory references in force, the factors that influence the presence and consistency of fauna have been analyzed, such as changes in land use, and in the agricultural and forest landscape. Alongside these parameters, the human and social aspects related to the management of the fauna have been passed, such as ATCs, surveillance, associations, the categories involved.
Of particular importance is also the picture deriving from the analysis of the information collected by hunters with anonymous questionnaires, which indicate their strong link with the territory and a contribution to the local economy that is anything but negligible, compared to a general strong decrease in the number. of hunters and public funds available. In the following chapters, the data relating to the single sedentary and migratory species are analyzed, with particular regard to the evolutions that have taken place and to the perspectives linked to the management of Ungulates, to the causes and remedies of the decrease of some species of the small sedentary fauna, including in the first place the predation exercised by the wild boar, killing and immissions.
An important part is linked to the management of migratory fauna, with the analysis of the culls for each huntable species carried out in the last 10 years and with the analysis and management proposals of fixed hunting stalks. Among the emergencies detected, those relating to the ordering of the sometimes excessive density of some types of "huts" and the indications and prospects for an increase in hunting clears, which in many cases, where present, have allowed the maintenance of important presence and nesting of protected species.
Chapter 6, on the other hand, specifically describes the public and private wildlife institutes and their distribution throughout the territory. A homogeneous and objective efficiency assessment system was created for each type, based on the transformation into “normalized” scores of the management parameters relating to the last 5-10 years. Up to 77 different parameters were analyzed in this phase (from the density variation of the individual species to the damage; from the presence of supervision to the number of farmers involved in the management; etc.) which made it possible to create a "report card" for each Institute ( summarized in Attachment 2) and a "ranking" from which the best and worst are highlighted.
Following this assessment, the general and particular lines of future management have been formulated, which in any case clearly differentiate public institutions from private ones, according to the purposes envisaged for each by the law and which will allow, if implemented, an effective "revolution" in the Provincial wildlife and management panorama. The Plan then in Chapter 7 introduces, in a relatively detailed way, the formal elements to be implemented to support the actions envisaged by the Plan, introducing organizational changes (for example the "recipe" for the integrated computerization of data, archives, and information in a specific management system; the reforms of the supervisory framework), regulatory (indications for the new regulations for selection hunting, for wildlife detention, for control interventions, for damages, etc.) and management (drafting methods of the annual management plans by species, hunting safety and waste management; management and enhancement of meat).
30 September 2013
Province of Pisa