IERI (Yesterday) 4 June 2020, at the press room of Palazzo Adorno della Province of Lecce, the Hunting Associations of Puglia have decided to meet to establish the "Unitary Control Room of the Hunting World" a regional level, much desired, in connection and in synergy with the existing national level. Without prejudice to the identities, traditions and values of each of the writing Associations that remain intact, they have decided to take a common path that will see them deal jointly, where possible, with the numerous existing criticalities, having the responsibility of protecting, coordinating the energies and activating timely interventions, sustainable hunting, in full respect of the environment, the interests of the countryside and farmers as well as all those who carry out a correct hunting activity.
They conclude by saying that compared to the past in which to promote it we were limited to defending hunting, the time has come to promote it "As a protagonist of the management of the territory" by drawing up a work agenda that deals with hunting issues point by point, starting immediately with the next program and regional hunting calendar. The Unitary Control Room of the Hunting World is composed of Federcaccia, Enalcaccia, Anuu Migrators, Arci Caccia, Free Hunting, Italcaccia, Game Producers e Hunting Fishing Environment.