There are very few hours to the official start of the hunting season 2016-2017 in Piedmont. The day of tomorrow, Sunday 25 September 2016, is that of the opening of the hunt according to the provisions of the regional calendar, while the conclusion is scheduled for December 7 in relation to common hare, minilepre and wild rabbit. As reported by Il Secolo XIX, there is already a fact that must be dealt with. The hunters involved will be about five thousand, but the game available will be scarce due to the summer drought which did not disappear in these first days of autumn.
The dates are different according to the huntable species. Eg, the pheasant can be taken until November 30th, a day that can be extended until 31 December, while the period between 2 October and 30 November is the one foreseen for partridges and red partridges. There will be fewer days available for quail and turtle doves, given that the only month allowed will be October.
As for the wood pigeon, the thrush and the foxes, the hunters will have until January. The wild boar can also be hunted in teams. The various hunting associations have suggested their recipe: Libera Caccia and Enalcaccia would like to intervene on the repopulation areas, while Arci Caccia asked for less to favor hares and pheasants.