The place where the first hunting action of the afternoon vanished. Wild boar hunting, both in selection and in containment, has an indisputable charm. Given the habits of the black beast, however, it can be said ...
A snapshot through the optics while waiting for the roe deer to position itself perfectly like a postcard Two days after the roe hunt closed in view of the month's break for summer loves, I am getting ready for a morning outing. He will accompany me ...
October, Maremma hills at the foot of the Amiata. The days are still warm, the light lingers in those red afternoons of leaves and sunsets that make autumn seem the sweetest season of the year. It's not just hunters who court the woods, ...
The author telemetry the possible exit points of the wild boars In late summer the golden fields of the Maremma are constantly preyed upon by wild boars. More and more often I receive invitations to containment operations for the wild boar species. It deals with...
The fateful moment of the shot Season after season, our intentions to hunt together in Maremma had crashed against the wall of commitments and unfortunate coincidences. This year finally Gigi confirms to me that he managed to free himself for the last ...
A fantastic winter sunset “Bananas, biscuits, toys, diapers. Nothing should be missing, in case ... ". "Don't worry, I won't call you except for real emergencies, I know how precious a hunting trip is for you", Simona dismisses me smiling as she welcomes the ...
End of October, all saints' bridge. What better way to celebrate my birthday and my twentieth license than with a thrush hunting weekend in my homeland? In the dark of the night of the autumn equinox I go to the area ...
Uncle Sansone during the fox hunt In the temperate hills of Ciociaria, precisely in the town of Strangolagalli in the province of Frosinone, lives my Uncle Giuliano known as “Sansone”. This is a big man of enormous size, full of energy, tireless ...
The plan for this year is concluded, hunting has served the roe deer species and has gratified the hunters. The last time I was here it was full winter, but the day was mild and sunny. Now we are at the end of August and this ...
Pina and Erika ready to go on a roe deer hunting adventure There are men capable of very romantic gestures, such as decorating the house with red roses or hiding jewels at the bottom of a drink. And those are great for ...
The author Vincenzo Frascino during the hunt for the wild boar. Each of us, whether we admit it or not, in our favorite activities or passions, certainly has an object, a phrase, a “lucky” ritual: the jolly garment for university exams, the four-leaf clover ...
The author with wild boars on the Pollino mountains Warm and muggy literally take your breath away. Ennio's invitation to accompany him on the hunt is very welcome! Our friend selecontroller of the wild boar species in the Pollino National Park hunts in the mountains. We reach it ...
The expectation itself becomes part of the desire “Exactly a year has passed since I was last hunting… March 8 of last year. I was in Novara and I had gone out to the roe deer. I shot a female, but didn't find her that night, we had to ...
The long and exciting moment that precedes the shot Who among us, attending a hunting area to the aspect, is not fond of a wild animal that for its behavior, anatomy, chromaticity, has something peculiar? It has happened to me very often, ...
Wild boar hunting - In the thick of the fort a short barrel increases the handling of the weapon. Wild boar hunting - In January, as every year, an invitation for a hunt in Montauto in that of Manciano, in the province of, is always welcome. ..
The dog explores the hunting ground to play his cards in search of the woodcock. From friends of the Apennines there are news of woodcocks. The Apennines are effervescent, in the color of the autumn foliage that set the forest on fire. Intriguing invitation for a butcher's broom ...
Gianni, friend and now companion, illustrates to the author the conformation of the territory The hardest winter I can remember was giving way to the inexorable arrival of spring. Not only did the night get shorter, but also the temperature began to be benevolent, the winds ...
The wild boar taken during the last outing Wild boar hunting - The assignment of stalking for the selecontrollers of the Pollino National Park follows a democratic and fair criterion: rotation. A monthly schedule decides who will go where, distributing impartially ...
Three months have passed since the selection hunt for bald roe deer ended. Numerous hunting-themed events have entertained us in the meantime, but all this talk of hunting has done nothing but do ...
The countryside glows day by day under the sun that radiates everything with a hot, scorching light. The fields have almost all been mowed and, among the stubble, timid leaves of green grass defy the aridity that nature has ...
Caccia Passione Srl
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Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
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Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]
Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]