Ragusa: Start of the Hunting Trials on Woodcocks valid for qualifying for the Italian Enci championship.
Il Italian Pointer Club in collaboration with the Ragusan Dog Group and with the Italian Setters Company organizes from 6 to 7 March in Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG) hunting tests on woodcocks for continental and English valid for qualifications for the Italian Enci championship.
For info: Italian Pointer Club (tel. 0523.338466) - Ragusano Dog Group (tel. 0932.752106) - Italian Setters Society (tel. 0571.508107). Cieb Puglia delegation (tel. 080.5302111, fax 080.5542300).
A tried and tested team The first regional championship trial on hare of the Federcaccia Toscana UCT that just ended in Poggibonsi in the province of Siena was a great success. A tried and tested organizational team, that of the Federcaccia-UCT Poggibonsi, which also...
A great return The XVII Coppa Italia for fox hounds in the Single, Couples or Pairs and Mute categories returns to Calabria, in the province of Cosenza, inside the Montalto Uffugo Dog Training Area. The event, organized by the Federation...
Mandatory cases ENCI (Italian National Kennel Club) announces that the Board of Directors, following the indications formulated by the Central Technical Commission, has decided that the deposit of the biological sample at ENCI accredited laboratories is mandatory for certain dogs. Dogs...
A weekend of great dog breeding The first stage of the zootechnical checks for... took place on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th January 2025 at the ZAC DOC in Montalto Uffugo managed by the Italian Hunting Federation of Cosenza.
Traditional appointment The Lady Federcaccia Befana race is now a consolidated tradition, and at the beginning of the new year it renewed this beautiful habit in the Dog Training Area of Limbiate (MB), in the dog test reserved for all female dog handlers of...
The competing categories The Italian Hunting Federation in collaboration with the Provincial Section of Cosenza organizes on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 January 2025 at the ZAC Montalto Uffugo (province of Cosenza), the seventeenth edition of the Italian Cup with...
The hills of Daunia The Italian Hunting Cup for Pointing Dogs on woodcock will be held on March 2, 2025 at the “Difesa Vadicola” Wildlife Hunting Company in Faeto (FG) at the same time as the “Potito Marchetti” Memorial. The National Hunting Federation...
Organizational quality The ENCI WINNER 2024 ended with applause. In its sixth edition, the ENCI WINNER has once again demonstrated the high level of Italian dog breeding thanks to the variety of breeds presented, the number of dogs registered, the quality...
Lots of registrations In line with previous years, there are approximately 10.000 registrations for the ENCI WINNER 2024 that will take place at the Bologna Fiera pavilions from 13 to 15 December. A huge number of dogs that make this exhibition,...
The competing categories On Sunday 1st December, at the Collacchioni Federal Area in Pieve Santo Stefano in the province of Arezzo, the third Coppa Italia for hunting dogs was held, a test of excellence with shooting reserved for spaniels. Two...
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