Hunting: Article 43 of the Community: No from 30 parliamentarians. Pd, now excerpt from the community norm
ROME - No to the extension of the hunting season and excerpt of paragraph 2 b) of article 43 of the community voted today in the Chamber, "which could create serious ecological damage to at least six species of migratory birds, and which prefigures a deregulation of hunting , with the rekindling of the dispute with the EU ”.
19 environmental associations ask for it (Altura, Amici della terra, Italian Animalists, Victims of Hunting Association, Cts, Enpa, Fare Verde, Greenpeace Italia, Lac, Lav, Legambiente, Lida, Lipu - BirdLife Italia, Memento Naturae, Mountain Wilderness Italia, No to Hunting, Oipa, Vas, Wwf Italia) which, with the support of Loredana De Petris of the national secretariat of Sinistra Ecologia Libertà (Sel), promote a garrison in front of Montecitorio,
and they wrote an urgent letter to the premier and six ministers, in view of the vote on the Community law, after the green light in the Agriculture Commission for the rule that grants the Regions the right to extend the hunting season beyond January 31st.
On the parliamentary front, a frond of the no in the PDL: Fiorella Ceccacci and Basilio Catanoso are the first signatories of the amendment, on which thirty deputies of the PDL have ensured the support, which aims to eliminate the rule of Article 43 from the text of the Community. " Now - said Stella Bianchi from the secretariat of the Democratic Party, responsible for the environment - we hope for a jump in the sense of responsibility on the part of the right in the House ”. Nicodemo Oliverio, leader of the Pd group in the Agriculture Commission in the Chamber, says that "even the majority is strongly divided", the government says, asking for a discussion table and hoping for the excerpt of the law, "back off" The National President of the Greens Angelo Bonelli calls for mobilization against an "irresponsible" rule, while Antonio Borghesi, deputy leader of the IDV in the Chamber, speaks of "meaningless deregulation". The world of shotguns is also on the field.
For the national president of Federcaccia, Gianluca Dall'Olio, "the reform is no longer postponed" and the president of the National Hunting and Nature Committee (CNN) Alessandro Tamburini speaks of "modern regulation". But there are those who want the advance of the stop to hunting. "The global temperature increase - says the honorary president of WWF Italy, Fulco Pratesi - should advise us to bring forward the closing of the hunting season, and certainly not to extend it". Parliament is preparing to vote on a law which, comments the president of Legambiente Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, would allow two more months of shooting and would make it more difficult to stop poaching, not to mention the risks for hiking lovers ".
Suffice it to say that in the five months of the 2009/10 hunting season, “hunting resulted in 71 injuries and 24 deaths in Italy, practically 3 victims every two days”, said Daniela Casprini, president of the Association for Hunting Victims. Article 43 of the Community Law, reminds the president of Lipu-BirdLife Italy Giuliano Tallone, "serves to give answers to the heavy infringement procedure" and in any case, "with the exception of paragraph 2 b) incongruous and harmful, the rest of the law - adds the coordinator for the institutional relations of Lipu Danilo Selvaggi - okay ”. "Parliament and Minister Prestigiacomo risk taking us back 30 years", says the president of Amici della Terra, Rosa Filippini, while a "stop to extremist drift" is called for by the deputies of the Democratic Party Ermete Realacci and Susanna Cenni. And the leader of the Democratic Party in the Environment Commission Roberto Della Seta calls for the cancellation of the community law.
Source: Reuters