Il Circle of the National Union of Hunters in the Alps Area (UNCZA) of the province of Asti organized together with the Provincial Federcaccia of Asti a meeting-conference that will deepen the theme of the treatment of remains of ungulates. Specifically, we will talk about wild boars and roe deer. The appointment was set for Friday 16 June 2017 at 21 pm at the Hall of the former Battutti Church.
There will be Sisto Turco, president of the UNCZA Circle of Asti, Daniele Sburlati, president of the Asti Federcaccia, and three veterinarians, namely doctors Walter Merlo, Carlo Raschio and Fausto Solito. This is an extremely interesting event, given the fact that the handling, storage and cooking of game meat it is a very current and debated topic in the hunting world.
Usually the techniques that are adopted in this case depend on the geographical location and the type of hunting activity that is practiced. The hunt is typical of the central-southern regions and consequently specific methods are adopted, while in the northern area of the country and in the Alpine area, hunting is practiced above all to seek or by aspect.