A delay that could be costly. There are four days left before the departure of the hunting season 2016-2017 in Calabria (Sunday 4 September to be precise) e the gun ports have not yet been released. The delay could compromise the business of many hunters from the province of Cosenza. Francesco Antonio Greco, provincial president of Federcaccia Cosenza and vice-president of the regional one, expressed all his concern in this regard.
According to Greco, the most serious situations are currently a Paola e Castrovillari, specifically in the areas of competence of the respective commissariats. Commissioner Luigi Liguori was then asked a strengthening of safeguards to speed up practices. The risks do not concern only the hunting season. In fact, in the absence of a gun license they cannot be composed boar hunting teams.
The start of this levy is scheduled for next October 1st, but today - Wednesday 31 August 2016 - represents the last useful day to transmit the names with the gun license. The requests for the release have been going on for some time and the situation has not yet unlocked. Federcaccia Cosenza has officially requested an extension of the deadline or theadmission of hunters pending release. Now it is hoped that the competent bodies will strike a blow.