Massive damage
A real record, but in a negative sense. The wild boars unfortunately continue to cause damage throughout Italy and what happened in the province of Vicenza it's unbelievable. The ungulates, in fact, managed to devastate a whole corn field of well- 18 thousand square meters, to be precise in locality Altavilla. It is not yet possible to quantify the damage, but there is already talk of several thousand euros.
An uncontrollable hunger
According to the most accredited reconstruction, the wild came from the nearby woods, at night, to look for food, devastating all types of cultivation, as also underlined by the municipal councilor for the Environment, Robert Scapin. The rows of the field were unfortunately avoided without problems. She also intervened on the question ACR (Association for Rural Culture).
The position taken by ACR
Here is what the association led by Sergio Berlato"We are reaching unacceptable levels: in Altavilla (VI) 18 thousand square meters of corn have been devastated by wild boars. A novelty? Absolutely not, it is yet another proof of the constant presence of ungulates in our territory and of their damages calculated in thousands and thousands of euros. Citizens, by now, are afraid of being loaded even if they go out for a walk. We can no longer live like this and that is why we ask the institutions to implement the containment and control plans for this invasive and devastating species.".