The CIC Italia, International Council of the Hunting and the Safeguard of Fauna gathered in Milan for the annual ordinary assembly.
The Italian Delegation of the CIC met in Milan, at the Hotel Michelangelo, for the holding of the annual Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting. The unanimous approval of the financial statements was followed by an informal presentation of the new members for the year 2015 - among others, Carlo Rizzini, a well-known tour operator in Ireland, Valentina Cecchini, Luca Montagner, Giorgio Castelli and Paolo Pennacchini, President of the Federation of Beccacciai of the Western Palearctic FANBPO - as well as an excursus on the great public success of the 2015 edition of the HIT Fair, held in Vicenza in mid-February and now ready to land as a protagonist on the European and international scene.
The work therefore focused on the annual report of the Head of Delegation Giovanni Bana, concerning all the activities carried out in 2014 and the planning of those planned for 2015, which have already started in part. Strong emphasis was placed on the increasingly stringent operational relationships between CIC, FACE and AECT, each for its own part - international, community, Mediterranean level - because teamwork will allow for more important and lasting results. in favor of sustainable hunting.
A sustainability that can, for example, pass through hunting gastronomy, today followed with renewed interest by an important part of the media and which could be useful for bringing a greater number of women closer to hunting - as highlighted in her report by Mrs. Patrizia Cimberio, CIC member; or that it is conveyed by the many activities followed and coordinated by the Grand Gibier National Commission / Exhibitions & Trophies - manuals, training and qualification of meters with the CIC method, measurement sessions of finds, etc. - as recalled by the four-handed report of the President and Vice President of this Commission, respectively Bruno Vigna and Giovanni Persona.
In this regard, in the coming months the Italian version of the new CIC Handbook for the measurement of trophies and finds of European mammals will be made available, edited directly by the Italian Delegation in connection with the Budapest office, and the volume on the last 30 years or so of Italian trophies based on a very rich sector archive.
Finally, emphasis was placed on two further aspects: the Delegation's interest in the recognition by UNESCO of hunting traditions as an intangible heritage of humanity, recalling that a similar action is already being planned as regards the chioccolo and the art of imitating birdsong at the level of the European Mediterranean Basin (Italy, France and Spain); the commitment to follow with increasing attention the serious problem of land consumption, to which hunters themselves often seem insensitive, trying to offer alternative approaches that can better reconcile the needs of development with a wise and limited use of one of the main resources natural (non-renewable).
It will then be the task of the Italian hunters, as highlighted at the end of the work by Marco Castellani, President of ANUU Migratoristi, not only to get involved in innovative projects, but above all to be able to give them maximum visibility outside the restricted circle of the hunting world, without which there will never be the possibility to demonstrate to the profane public opinion how much hunters know how to do in favor of the conservation of natural resources. All those present were therefore reminded that the 62nd General Assembly of the CIC will be held in the beautiful town of Pravets, near Sofia (Bulgaria), on the days when the presence of our members will be warmly welcome and appropriate.
CIC Press
(March 6, 2015)