La League for the Abolition of the Hunt (LAC) commented on the start of the 2020-2021 hunting season: "One hour before sunrise on Sunday 20 September, the general opening of the hunting season 2020/21, which will end on January 31 for almost all species; in some regions the hunting of corvids and wood pigeons may continue until 10 February 2020, while the selection hunting with rifle of some species of ungulates, such as deer and chamois, is also staggered in other months of the year. The number of Italian hunters actually active (calculated on the basis of the real number of regional hunting cards required, as the number of rifle port licenses issued by the police headquarters, valid for 5 years, it is misleading) has fallen below the threshold of 470.000, in spite of more triumphalistic figures spread by the arms world.
To the usual problems for the public safety of users of woods and countryside (failure to respect the safety distances from homes and carriage roads is the most frequent violation), are added those of declining wild species (such as rock partridge, ptarmigan, gadwall, dove, woodcock, pochard, lapwing, lark, to name a few), threatened by direct persecution of hunting. The emergency of the low turnover of the public hunting surveillance personnel of the provincial police, in charge of controls, is very serious (decimated by the 2015 budget law and by the measures subsequent to the Madia law). The National Plan to combat offenses against wild birds, approved by the State-Regions Conference in March 2017, is still largely not implemented by the Regions and the Minister of the Environment.
To the drama of the territorial "pockets" where poaching is still consistent (eg: Po Delta, portions of Sardinia, Capitanata, Sicilian minor islands, Amalfi coast, Campania islands, the entire province of Brescia, etc.), the continuous illegitimate regional legislation is added, because it is in contrast with state provisions and community, with a dozen regional laws (for example for Liguria, Tuscany and Lombardy). challenged at the Constitutional Court in the last year by the Council of Ministers. Not even bear and wolf are formally safe from the ignorant fury of demagogic local administrators, as in the case of Trentino and Alto Adige, always committed - even recently - to promote exceptions for the elimination of some specimens of large wild carnivores ".