ANPAM, the association of arms and ammunition manufacturers, is working to promote legislation in the name of legality but without further restrictions.
Rome, 22 June 2010 - The Ministry of the Interior is drafting the legislative decree implementing the new Directive on the acquisition and possession of weapons.
The ANPAM - jointly with the CAB and the realities of the sports sector adhering to CONI - is engaged in a continuous dialogue with the Ministry and the political authorities to provide all the cognitive tools, data and information necessary to avoid unnecessarily restrictive rules being inserted , which limit hunters and sport shooters in the exercise of their activities without any positive repercussions on public safety.
In fact, we believe it is essential that all sector legislation is based on the protection of legality and the development of the recreational and sporting use of weapons, aware of the fact that the abuses that endanger public safety are carried out in quite other areas, certainly not between hunters and sport shooters.
The ANPAM will work to ensure that the Offices implement the directive with simple and clearly interpreted rules, which favor the culture of legality and do not improperly reduce legitimate and safe uses of weapons.