The final day is that of 12 June, with six hours distributed between morning and afternoon. The entire course has a cost of 100 euros and will take place at the headquarters of the Verona area. For some time the Province of Verona has signed an agreement with the Territorial Areas of Hunting and some alpine areas in the area to manage in an operational and autonomous way the outputs that have to do with the ungulate. All these bodies have the obligation to verify the reports and to check or carry out theeradication of wild boar in the territory under their jurisdiction.
In addition to the Province, ski areas and ATC we must not forget the role of wildlife-hunting companies. All together they identify the areas with the highest priority for intervention, plan the killing of wild animals, provide the tools necessary for prevention (such as the recent electrified ones) to farmers who have been damaged and contribute to carrying out the censuses. Controls and interventions can concern the entire provincial territory, including the oases, but also the repopulation and capture areas and the buffer zones which have been established by the Territorial Areas of Hunting.
Among other things, the ATC Verona "Dei Colli" organized for the same period another very interesting course, the one related to safety. In this case it is a single day of lessons, that of the next 13nd June, again in the Alpine hut mentioned above: the course will last three hours (from 19 pm to 22 pm to be precise), with a single teacher. Finally, the validity of this course will be equal to three years. Consequently, all those who participated three years ago (in 2013) will be obliged to bring with them the certificate received on that occasion to affix the certificate of the new three-year validity.