Hunting: Latina, a repopulation project of Gray Partridges in the Territorial Area of Caccia Latina 2 is underway, they talked about it in Spigno Saturnia.
The public meeting organized by the Territorial Area of Hunting LT2 in collaboration with the municipal administration. The conference, held in the presence of the Mayor Salvatore Vento and some councilors, was chaired by the municipal delegate for hunting activities Giulio Mallozzi and saw the participation of representatives enrolled in the two local associations, who were informed on how to start the project by the President of ATC LT2 Elio Trani and by members of the technical commission of the same body. The repopulation project starts from a study carried out by ATC technicians, which made it possible to identify the "strain" originating from partridge present in the past in the provincial territory of competence of the hunting area. Subsequently, the environmental characteristics necessary for the reintroduction of the species were identified through a mapping of the territorial ecosystems, at the end of which it was possible to ascertain how these environmental and climatic factors are present in the part of the territory falling within the Municipality of Spigno Saturnia, in particular in the area flat area of the Ausente, where in fact, after an intervention for the introduction of game, an area of 64 hectares exclusively dedicated to this will be established, within which it will not be possible to exercise the hunting activity for a period of time of at least three years, during which a careful monitoring activity will be carried out by the bodies involved in collaboration with the hunters.
The proposal to establish the repopulation area was positively received by local hunters and by the municipal administration, as it will allow a redevelopment of the entire area covered by the project, as well as having clear repercussions on the entire neighboring territory thanks to the presence of a new species. sedentary. In the next few days, the notice of establishment of the area will be published on the institutional website of the Municipality, as per the authorization granted by the Province of Latina at the request of the ATC.
"I thank through the President Trani, the ATC LT2 for the commitment it is exercising in the Spignese area and the delegate for hunting activities Giulio Mallozzi, who in collaboration with the councilor Salvatore Palazzo have brought forward the idea of the hunting area. for the repopulation of the partridge - declares the Mayor Salvatore Vento - An important initiative for our territory that goes far beyond the hunting project, but which allows us to start an action to redevelop a large area with an agricultural vocation, which from decades it is uncultivated. In fact, through an economic investment, ATC LT 2 will support the “crops to be lost” for the next three years, with the aim of feeding partridges and relaunching the production cycle of the land in Spigno. This area, in fact, called 'Ausente', has represented a driving force of the local agricultural economy, and thanks to the collaboration between ATC, Hunting Associations and the Municipal Administration, the territory will once again be the protagonist, also from the point of view of environmental protection ".
(20 July 2015)
Source: Temporeale