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On October 2nd, a hearing was held in the VIII Commission of the Regional Council of Lombardy on lead pollution in the natural territories of Lombardy for public health and the environment resulting from the use of lead-containing ammunition in hunting. The hearing had been requested by Councilor Pollini (M5S) so that the WWF, ISPRA and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità could be heard "in order to study in greater depth the issues relating to the effects on humans and on land, whether agricultural or otherwise, of lead dispersed in the environment, particularly during activities such as hunting and fishing".
Pollution and public health
The President of the Massardi Commission decided to extend the invitation to the lawyer Lorenzo Bertacchi, former regional president of Federcaccia Lombardia and now Legal Advisor to the Federation. Having established the lack of participation of ISPRA in the hearing, after the intervention of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità which in reality made it clear that the issue is certainly not a priority for pollution and public health, with the intervention of Mr. Mauri and Dr. Bassi it was immediately clear that the intent was none other than to present to the Council the works of the conference/exhibition "The weight of lead", focused on saturnism in birds of prey. The closing speech was followed by the speech of the lawyer Bertacchi, who brought to the attention of the councilors a multitude of studies and considerations that demonstrate how the approach to the issue of lead in ammunition is purely ideological and devoid of concrete risks for health and as a cause of pollution.
WWF's reprehensible behavior
During the speech of the lawyer Bertacchi, the President of the Commission Floriano Massardi had to intervene to call to order and composure the two representatives of the WWF who, after having abused the time available for a long time, did not tolerate that their theses were promptly denied by numerous scientific studies. Federcaccia Lombardia considered it useful to collect the material prepared and coordinated for the hearing by the lawyer Bertacchi, with the support of the Studies and Research Office of Federcaccia and in particular of Dr. Labate, creating a short "notebook" of the work. (Source FIdC LOMBARDIA)