The first actions of the European project Life Perdix have been successful and the reintroduction of the Gray partridge approaches. The Italian gray partridge, Perdix perdix italica, until the last century widespread in large areas of the Belpaese and today considered formally extinct in nature, has numerous possibilities to return to sing in the cereal fields. After a careful genetic selection conducted e edited by ISPRA experts, the technical staff of the CUFAA Forestry Carabinieri started breeding at the Wildlife Center of Bieri (LU) and collected the first 200 eggs which will now be recorded on a special database and started for controlled hatching.
“The great synergy and collaboration between the different project partners has produced this first and encouraging result - he declared Francis Riga ISPRA -. Despite the difficulties due to the Coronavirus emergency and the measures to curb the infection, the activities of our project will obviously continue favoring the actions that can be carried out remotely and the community involvement via web and social networks. Meanwhile, nature takes its course.
And maybe the environmental conditions, which seem to have improved thanks to the stop to many anthropic activities, will be even more favorable to the reintroduction of this small galliform once typical of Italian rural environments". The project, in addition to the establishment of a viable population of Italian Gray Partridge within the SPA Valle del Mezzano with the forecast of over 2.200 pairs at the end of the project, thanks to precise actions of genetic selection, breeding, conservation and safety of new individuals, provides for the mitigation of threats in the release area and the involvement of stakeholders through training courses with the collaboration of hunting, canine, agricultural, environmentalist components and valuable tips of French experts.
The project LIFE Perdix, co-financed by the European Community, aims to protect Italian biodiversity starting from the conservation of the Italian Gray Partridge and sees the collaboration of a broad partnership led by the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection (ISPRA), the Carabinieri of the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units Command ( CUFAA), the Italian hunting federation, the Fedération Nationale des Chasseurs, Legambiente, the Po Delta Park and the National Agency for Italian dog lovers which co-finances the project.