There is a novelty regarding the mouflons of theGiglio Island. After the first stop to the killing, the Park of the Tuscan archipelago, the Antivivisection League (Low) And the WWF have reached an agreement for definitively exclude suppression of this invasive island species. The agreement was signed by Giampiero Sammuri, president of the park, Gianluca Felicetti, president of Lav and Donatella Bianchi, president of WWF. For its part, the Park Authority undertakes to suspend the operations envisaged by the "Let's go Giglio" project, created to eradicate alien species such as the mouflon and preserve the ecosystem and the native biodiversity of the island, and to intensify the capture and transport of animals to other locations, taking care of animal welfare as required by the operational protocol signed with Ispra.
A working group is also born, made up of experts indicated by the park and by representatives of associations to accommodate offers of availability and establish the best destinations for animals that guarantee their well-being, ensuring as far as possible the preventive confinement of mouflons in an area suitable for the needs of the animals and safe for the period necessary for their transfer.
The signatory associations, each of which will have a designated representative, they undertake to collaborate in the capture, transport and sterilization of mouflons. Furthermore, together with the park, they will carry out information and awareness actions on the theme of species not indigenous. The agreement is open to all associations wishing to be part of it (Republic).