Stop the preventive opinion of Ispra for wild boar containment plans and 100% compensation for farmers by the state for i damage to wildlife. These are the two proposals launched on Thursday 8 July by the Lombardy Regional Councilor for Agriculture, Food and Green Systems, Fabio Rolfi, who spoke in piazza Città di Lombardia, in Milan, together with the president Attilio Fontana and the councilor for economic development, Guido Guidesi, at the event organized by Coldiretti. “Wildlife - said the commissioner - is state property and if it causes damage to a company, the state must pay 100% compensation. As required by European legislation. On the control plans, waiting weeks or months before implementing them means, on the one hand, complicating the activity of hunters and on the other hand, to dramatically increase the damage to agriculture.
Wildlife is a danger to the economy. As well as for the territory and for the safety of people. This is demonstrated by the number of road accidents caused by the wild boar: 271 in Lombardy in 2020″. “In Lombardy - he added - we have changed the law to allow wild boar hunting all year round, even with night vision and foraging, we have enabled selecontrollers, we allow enabled farmers to kill wild boars on damaged land. We have already used all the interventions allowed by national legislation". “All institutions - concluded the commissioner - must follow a common line if the problem is really to be solved. Unfortunately, the Roman bureaucracy is often not aligned with the needs of the territories and the Regions have their hands tied. Wildlife is destroying agriculture. National funds and bureaucratic simplification are needed ”.
The numbers
Number of wild boars killed in 2021 with control plans:
Bergamo 112;
Brescia 56;
Como 242;
Cremona 157;
Lecco 16;
Praise 2;
Pavia 65;
Varese 72.
Number of claims caused by wild boar in 2020:
Bergamo 22;
Brescia 9;
Como 21;
Cremona 6;
Lecco 1;
Praise 4;
Milan 12;
Mantua 1;
Pavia 102;
Sondrio 2;
Varese 90.
Total 271.
(Source: Lombardy Region)