Full reconfirmation
Hon. Sergio Berlato unanimously reconfirmed as National President of the Association for Rural Culture. Born in Marano Vicentino (province of Vicenza) on July 27, 1959, Berlato has always been very involved in associations and volunteering. In addition to ACR, in fact, he was national president of the Foundation for Rural Culture (Onlus), of the Venetian Hunters Association-CONFAVI, as well as of the Confederation of Italian Hunting Associations.
Protected activities
The Association for Rural Culture is concerned with the promotion and dissemination, among the widest public, of knowledge and respect for Rural Culture and for all the activities that are bearers of it. The Association carries out activities of promotion, awareness and development of productive activities, carried out with respect for the environment, in the sectors of industry, craftsmanship and agriculture also through the creation and/or management of Study Centers for training and ethical-environmental development.
The following members of ACR are:
Professional, sporting and amateur fishermen;
Mushroom, truffle and wild herb gatherers;
Breeders for professional, amateur and ornamental purposes;
Representatives of the world of dog breeding
Representatives of culture;
Showbiz personalities;
Information representatives;
Economics figures;
Publishing figures;
Institutional representatives;
Representatives of science;
Representatives of the proactive and non-fundamentalist environmentalist world;
Representatives of the economic sectors that gravitate around the activities that bring rural culture