Wide debate
The deputy of the League Francesco Bruzzone has established the inter-parliamentary group for the management of wild fauna. “As is known – comments Bruzzone – wildlife management is a topic of wide debate in the country. The excessive presence of some species of wild animals, even non-native ones, is a topic that is constantly brought to the attention of Public Administrations and Parliament.
The right wildlife balance
The general interest in the protection of biodiversity is widespread across the board and human intervention is essential to maintain the right balance of fauna. The protection of social, cultural and economic needs that are deeply rooted in our country is also a priority.
Future generations
The amended Article 9 of the Constitution calls our attention to these issues, orienting itself towards future generations and delegating the ways and forms of application to the laws of the State.” “The objective is to examine and reasonably address any parliamentary initiatives. In just a few hours, 20 parliamentarians have already joined, both deputies and senators, and others will be able to do so in the coming days.” Concludes Bruzzone, head of the wildlife management department of the League. (Source Lega Salvini Province of Savona)