Brussels' decision
The Councillor for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry of the Lombardy Region, Alessandro Beduschi, intervenes on the decision taken by the Permanent Committee of the Bern Convention which, yesterday, approved the downgrading of the wolf's protection status.
Comparison table
"On the subject of wolf management - says Councilor Beduschi -, Lombardy intends to act immediately, proposing a round table discussion between the Regions involved to define a common strategy. In these hours I will write to my fellow councilors to start this shared path. It is essential to overcome ideological approaches and to address with pragmatism a problem that has penalized the breeders of our territories for too long".
Balanced coexistence
“This new regulatory framework – concludes Beduschi – finally allows us to implement rational measures, which are essential to ensure a balanced coexistence between human activities and wildlife, while guaranteeing environmental sustainability and the future of our rural communities”. (Source LNews)